Is your team experiencing conflict?

We are the largest workplace conflict resolution services firm in the U.S. We can help!

Your Team Deserves Peace

Whether it’s a conflict between coworkers, executives, or entire teams, don’t your team members deserve less stress and more peace so they can focus on their jobs?

WorkPeace provides workplace conflict management services and peacebuilding interventions for companies across the U.S., U.K., and Canada. We’ve worked in dozens of industries for all sizes of organizations from mom-and-pop businesses to Fortune 500 companies.

Workplace conflict can be a catalyst for growth and innovation rather than purely a source of stress and disruption. Let us help your team find the opportunities in conflict and learn techniques that can keep the peace in the short- and long-term so that when coworker conflict emerges again, they have the tools and confidence to manage it effectively.

Get Support For Your Team!

Need help with coworker conflict?
Schedule a free consultation to learn how we can help!

Don’t Wait! Resolve Conflicts ASAP.

Schedule a free consultation today.

Workplace Peacebuilding

Workplace peacebuilding is a multi-pronged approach to addressing immediate problems and creating structures for lasting peace. Our approach often includes a mix of relational peacemaking, coaching, and training.


Conflict Resolution (Immediate)

conflict coaching

Conflict Coaching

conflict resolution training

Conflict Training (Long-Term)







Our Team

Here are just a few of our team members. Please click the button to learn more about WorkPeace and the rest of our amazing staff.

Jeremy Pollack, Ph.D.

Founder & CEO

Sara Jeckovich, M.A.

Program Director / Peacebuilder

Luke Wiesner, M.S.

Program Director / Peacebuilder

CEO & Founder

Program Director / Peacebuilder

Program Director / Peacebuilder


Here’s what our clients had to say about our services:

“WorkPeace was a big help in an HR issue at our 30 person firm where we felt we needed third party objectivity without the heavy hand of a lawyer or investigator. Our peacebuilder brokered an offer and compromise acceptable to both parties that ultimately resulted in a more peaceful, harmonious workplace.”

“Bringing WorkPeace to help solve relationship issues between peers on the same team was one of the best decisions I ever made. From their initial conflict grew trust, empathy, and respect.  He turned a potential loss into a big win for us.” 

Alan Sitomer, Mastery Coding

“I’ve worked with WorkPeace on several occasions and highly recommend them! The conflicts affected the organization to the point that valuable employees might quit, or have to be let go. In just a few sessions, our peacebuilder guided us through a process that turned things around.”

“From the start, our Peacebuilder thoroughly explained the process and was able to ease any hesitance I had. I hope to never need this type of service again, but it is great to know that WorkPeace could be called upon to help resolve an issue.”

Stephanie Simmons, Construction Industry

Latest Articles on Workplace Conflict Resolution

Workplace Conflict Resolution Services: Bringing Harmony and Productivity

In today’s fast-paced and high-pressure work environments, conflicts are inevitable. Differences in perspectives, communication styles, and priorities can all give rise to disagreements and tension among employees. If left unresolved, workplace conflicts can lead to decreased productivity, increased staff turnover, and a toxic work environment. To address these issues, many organizations have recognized the importance of having dedicated Workplace Conflict Resolution Services. This article will explore the key benefits and strategies employed by these services to restore harmony and productivity within the workplace.

Understanding Workplace Conflict

Before delving into the specifics of conflict resolution services, it is essential to understand the nature of workplace conflicts. These disputes can arise due to various reasons, such as differences in work styles and personalities, conflicting goals, poor communication, or disagreements regarding responsibilities. By acknowledging the existence and prevalence of conflicts, organizations can take proactive steps to address and resolve them effectively.

Benefits of Workplace Conflict Resolution Services

  1. Improved Productivity: Workplace conflict resolution services help employees address and resolve conflicts efficiently, allowing them to focus on their work and increase productivity.
  2. Enhanced Employee Satisfaction: By providing a platform for open communication, conflict resolution services empower employees to express their concerns and find mutually agreeable solutions. This leads to improved job satisfaction.
  3. Reduced Turnover: Conflicts within the workplace often contribute to increased employee turnover rates. Conflict resolution services can help identify and address underlying issues, reducing turnover and retaining valuable talent.
  4. Positive Work Environment: Effective resolution of conflicts promotes a positive work environment, fostering collaboration, teamwork, and a sense of belonging among employees.
  5. Improved Communication: Conflict resolution services emphasize effective communication, enabling employees to express their ideas, concerns, and feedback more clearly and openly.

Strategies Employed by Workplace Conflict Resolution Services

  1. Mediation: Mediation involves a neutral third party who facilitates communication and negotiation between conflicting parties. This process encourages constructive dialogue, helping individuals understand each other’s perspectives and find mutually acceptable solutions.
  2. Facilitation: Facilitation techniques are employed to ensure smooth and effective communication among conflicting parties. A facilitator supports the conversation, guides participants toward constructive solutions, and ensures that everyone’s voice is heard.
  3. Training Programs: Workplace conflict resolution services often provide training programs aimed at equipping employees with the necessary skills to prevent and resolve conflicts. These programs cover topics such as active listening, assertive communication, and problem-solving techniques.
  4. Establishing Policies and Procedures: Conflict resolution services help organizations develop and implement effective policies and procedures that promote fairness and provide employees with guidelines to handle conflicts constructively.
  5. Post-Conflict Evaluation: After a conflict has been resolved, it is crucial to evaluate the effectiveness of the process and its impact on the parties involved. This provides valuable feedback for improving conflict resolution strategies in the future.

Case Studies and Success Stories

To further emphasize the importance and effectiveness of workplace conflict resolution services, see our real-world case studies and success stories. By reviewing specific instances where conflicts were successfully resolved, organizations can gain insights into the tangible benefits that these services can bring.

Workplace conflict resolution services play a vital role in improving team dynamics, fostering communication, and enhancing productivity. By providing a structured and impartial framework for resolving conflicts, organizations can create a harmonious work environment where employees thrive and contribute their best. Implementing these services not only addresses immediate conflicts but also establishes a foundation for long-term conflict prevention and resolution, leading to a happier and more productive workforce.

Workplace Mediation: Resolving Conflicts for a Harmonious Work Environment

Workplace conflicts are common occurrences that can disrupt productivity, damage relationships, and create a toxic work environment. Mediation has emerged as an effective method for resolving these conflicts, offering a collaborative and constructive approach to finding mutually agreeable solutions. In this article, we will explore the concept of workplace mediation, its benefits, and how it can be implemented to promote harmony and productivity in the workplace.

Understanding Workplace Mediation

Workplace mediation is a voluntary and confidential process that involves a neutral third party, known as a mediator, facilitating communication and negotiation between two or more conflicting parties. The mediator’s role is to guide the conversation, encourage empathy and understanding, identify the root cause of the conflict, and assist the parties in reaching a resolution that meets their needs and interests.

Benefits of Workplace Mediation

  1. Confidentiality and Privacy: Unlike formal dispute resolution methods, workplace mediation ensures confidentiality. This creates a safe space for employees to discuss sensitive issues openly without fear of judgment or retaliation, allowing for more effective conflict resolution.
  2. Improved Communication: Workplace mediation promotes active and respectful communication between the involved parties. The mediator assists in facilitating the conversation, ensuring that each party has an opportunity to express their concerns, understand the other party’s perspective, and develop effective communication skills for future interactions.
  3. Empowering the Parties: Mediation focuses on empowering the conflicting parties to be active participants in finding a solution. By involving employees directly in the resolution process, mediation encourages ownership, accountability, and increased commitment to the agreed-upon outcomes.
  4. Cost-Effective: Traditional methods of conflict resolution, such as lawsuits or formal grievance procedures, can be time-consuming, expensive, and often result in strained relationships. Workplace mediation, on the other hand, is a cost-effective option that typically takes less time and resources to reach a resolution.
  5. Preserving Relationships: One of the key advantages of workplace mediation is its emphasis on preserving workplace relationships. By fostering open dialogue and encouraging understanding and empathy, mediation helps rebuild trust and repair damaged relationships, contributing to a healthier and more harmonious work environment.

Implementing Workplace Mediation:

To implement workplace mediation effectively, organizations should consider the following steps:

  1. Training and Education: Provide training to employees to familiarize them with the concept of mediation, its benefits, and how it works. This empowers employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to engage in mediation effectively.
  2. Clear Communication Channels: Establish a clear process for employees to request mediation assistance when conflicts arise. This can be done through an internal mediation program or by utilizing external mediation services.
  3. Identify and Train Mediators: Organizations should identify individuals within the company who can serve as mediators. These individuals should undergo comprehensive mediation training to develop the necessary skills and understanding of the mediation process.
  4. Create a Mediation Policy: Develop a formal mediation policy that outlines the mediation process, confidentiality guidelines, and the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved. This policy should be clearly communicated to all employees.
  5. Evaluate and Improve: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the workplace mediation program to identify areas for improvement. Collect feedback from participants and use it to refine the mediation process and ensure continuous growth and success.

Workplace mediation offers a valuable alternative to traditional conflict resolution methods, providing a collaborative and structured approach to resolving conflicts. By fostering open communication, preserving relationships, and empowering employees to find mutually agreeable solutions, workplace mediation promotes a harmonious work environment. By implementing workplace mediation programs, organizations can address conflicts effectively, enhance productivity, reduce costs, and create a positive and healthy workplace culture.